EURO WINGS - The Art of Event & PR Management in the Next 10 Years

The Conference

This conference helps those people who are organizing and planning an event. The impact of a successful event on a company can be profound. The impact of a poorly organized event is so negative that it pulls resources away from real work in order to deal with the aftermath. This conference provides a synthesis of all planning, execution and post-event analysis. Such an event may be a benefit, arts, and design industry event, entertainment event, trade show or an event in the fields of hospitality, marketing, and advertising, or sports.


Conference Objectives - The Art of Event & PR Management


Conference Agenda - The Art of Event & PR Management

Unit 1

The role of events in a Public Relations or Marketing strategy  

Unit 2

 Event planning, the theory, and practice  

Unit 3

Stage Management, Dining, and Entertainment. Health and safety

Unit 4

Managing the Media at your Events

Unit 5

Invitations, VIPs & bringing it all together