Training, Human Resources

Training Course: Systematic Management & Leadership Skills Needs Analysis

REF: T9184

DATES: 29 Jul - 9 Aug 2024

VENUE: Singapore -

FEE: 5500 €

Program Overview

In this program you will learn about...
It is a Good Practice not to require any employee to do or be responsible for a job he/she has not been trained for. But the fact is organizations as-a-rule promote good performing professionals to supervisory and managerial jobs often without significant effective training.

  • This program helps the HR/ Management personnel identify in detail the current Managerial and Leadership Skill training needs of their workforce.
  • The program takes a step-by-step approach to the analysis of these needs.
  • The participant will take away a detailed multidiscipline methodology to complete the analysis.

Program Content

  • Understanding your Organization's Objectives: Mission, Vision, Strategic Goals and Strategic Projects.
  • Understanding the Nature of Management Skills
  • Understanding Leadership Skills required to meet your Organization's Vision
  • Understanding your Organization's Management Skill Needs
  • Understanding your Organization's Leadership Needs
  • Formulating Strategic Projects for Meeting Managerial and Leadership Needs
  • Evaluating Effectiveness of the Leadership Strategic Projects
  • Improvement Planning and Methodology for existing Management and Leadership Development Projects