Management & Leadership

Training Course: Dramatic Improvement In Profitability Productivity through Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

REF: M9303

DATES: 24 Feb - 7 Mar 2025

VENUE: Boston (USA) -

FEE: 8250 €

Program Overview

In this program you will learn about...

This is a step-by-step approach  for BPR Implementation in your Department or Organization. This is a unique program providing very useful analysis and improvement skills for Organization/Department Reorganization.
The program covers three distinctly different management approaches to change. These are:

  • Process Improvement,
  • Process Redesign and
  • Process Re-engineering. 

Need for this program arises from the growing need to meet customer expectations better than our competitors. The steady improvement of products and services - though an important methodology -  is no longer sufficient to survive in the global market-place. The need may be for a radical change in the way we work and  Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) methodology can help organizations decide if such a approach is necessary and how to make that change.
The growth of BPR has been so rapid and experience so diverse that there is confusion as to what the term covers - this program clarifies the terms. In reality, BPR is the common-sense result of management making use of the new tools of information and other technologies.

Program Content

  • What is Reengineering Really?
  • Why does my Organization Need to BPR?
  • What will be involved in its Implementation for my Organization?
  • The Four Truths: It’s Process-Centric, It’s Redesign-Ruled, It’s Radical, It’s Dramatic.
  • Different Reengineering Approaches.
  • Why Must you Reengineer Today? Typical Reasons.
  • Reengineering Vs Rightsizing, Restructuring, TQM, Automation
  • How Drastic Should Your Reengineering Be?
  • REENGINEERING TOOLS: Project Management, Coordination, Modeling, Business Process Analysis Measurement, System Development, Human Resources Analysis Design.
  • A Self Test Questionnaire For Your Organization: Are You Ready To Reengineer?
  • A Step-by-Step Methodology for Implementing BPR.

Case Study: Reengineering at a Manufacturer.

  • Understanding your Organisation in Process Terms. Opportunities for BPR. Critical Success Factors.
  • How Do You Reengineer For Success? Role of Consultants BPR Tools available.
  • BPR Implementation : Step-by-Step Approach.
  • Integrating Technology (including Information Technology) with BPR to produce Business Solutions.
  • The Top Ten Ways to Fail at Reengineering.
  • The Stages, Tasks Activities in Reengineering Implementation. Main Stages:  
  • Preparation Identification
  • Innovation Vision
  • Process Design
  • Implementation Transformation
  • Assessment
  • The Misconceptions about Reengineering. The Resistance:  Reengineering doesn’t work. Reengineering is nothing new. Reengineering’s not sufficiently radical. Reengineering’s dangerous and Inhumane. We’re different. We can’t afford it. We’ve been doing it for years. Reengineering’s just another name for downsizing, and downsizing doesn’t work. Reengineering is not for growth. Reengineering is just common sense.