Management & Leadership

Training Course: Contract low for non lawyers

REF: M4103

DATES: 30 Jun - 4 Jul 2025

VENUE: London (UK) -

FEE: 4500 €

Learning objectives for this workshop

  • Understand contractual terms and their impact on the business
  • Explore key elements of commercial contracts
  • Analyse commercial risks and opportunities in terms of your own business environment
  • Be able to propose appropriate means to mitigate risks
  • Discover how to review third party contracts effectively
  • Learn how to identify areas that require specialist legal advice or Board-level approval
  • Find out how to use internal or external legal resources more effectively

Course Outline

  • Objectives for today - setting out our objectives for delegates and their benefit to your business
  • A Memory Game - get those grey cells working!
  • Exercise: Buying a commodity
  • Consequences of Confusion - the pain of getting it wrong
  • Defining Commercial Relationships - the fundamental markers
  • Exercise: Define a typical deal for your business
  • Exercise: Which legal terms define each area of the relationship?
  • Who Does What When?

- Vendor Responsibilities
- The importance of clear specifications and change control
- Purchaser Responsibilities
- Delivery
- Intellectual Property
- The importance of timing

  • When Does Payment Occur?

- Defining Milestones
- Good Acceptance Criteria
- Readiness for Invoicing
- Taxes and other payment headaches

  • Exercise: Comparing vendor and purchaser acceptance provisions
  • What Happens if Things Go Wrong?

- Warranties and warranty remedies
- Limiting liability
- Indemnities
- Confidentiality
- Liquidated Damages
- Applicable law and dispute resolution
- Termination
- Survival provisions

  • Exercise: Comparing vendor and purchaser warranty provisions
  • Exercise: Finding your way around a contract
  • Recap: Review of key contract components
  • Review of Objectives
  • Introduction to the Online Training Resources