Management & Leadership

Training Course: CRISIS Management & Security Negotiation Skills

REF: M12325

DATES: 29 Jul - 9 Aug 2024

VENUE: London (UK) -

FEE: 4500 €

The Programme Content


The programme has been designed to be interactive with several case studies and group exercises. A modular approach will take the delegates through the four stages of Crisis Management - Preparation, Planning, Response and Recovery. Participative lectures will involve the use of PowerPoint, handout material, work manual with all instructor notes and slides, examples of best practice and appropriate video/DVD material. The use of flip-charts, syndicate work-shops and reporting back sessions will encourage a fully participative and enjoyable event.



Pre-planning, who and what else should be considered?

  • Who owns the mitigation process?
    • Self-evaluating questionnaires
  • Developing and Implementing Emergency Plans
  • Twelve point check list covering the whole planning process
  • Mutual Aid arrangements
  • Company-wide strategic contingency plans
  • Service or departmental plans
  • Building evacuation plans
  • Crisis Management and Communications. Emergency Centre/s
  • Developing and implementing a Business Continuity Management (BCM) strategy
  • Business Impact Analysis. Case Study and Workshop


Dealing with a crisis - the 'communications' perspective

  • Command and Control Issues
    • Operational (at the scene)
    • Tactical (at the forward control point/incident command)
    • Strategic (boardroom level/emergency operations centre)
  • On Scene Crisis Management, essential elements for success
  • Reputation Management - Managing the Media. 'How to' sessions include:
  • Organising a Press Conference
  • Conducting Radio and Television Interviews
  • Case Study Exercise: Crisis Communications Strategy. Develop a crisis communications strategy and action plan based upon a given scenario


Incident Management & Aftermath

  • Alerting and Warning. Case Studies. What can go right and what can go wrong
  • Case Studies - Texas City Disasters 1947 and April 2005
  • Major Incident Simulation - Role Playing Workshop
    • Syndicate selection
    • Reporting back
  • Potential Psychological & Welfare problems in Crisis Management
  • How to improve staff morale and confidence in the process
  • The psychological effects during and after an incident involving injuries - and worse
  • Looking after yourself and your staff
  • Questionnaire, are your batteries in good condition?


What Makes a Negotiation a Success?

  • Negotiation Exercise Number 1
  • Personal obstacles to a successful negotiation
  • Purchasing responsibilities as a negotiator
  • Identifying the phases of a negotiation
  • Understanding the phases of a negotiation
  • What makes the “ winners” win – the elements of success
  • Comparing Approaches in Negotiations
  • Looking for a better deal for both parties
  • When to use what style of negotiation
  • Protecting yourself and your company
  • Using Time as a key element
  • Negotiation Exercise Number 2

The Expert Negotiator Has Many Talents

  • Skill sets and knowledge requirements
  • The role of intuition and Emotion
  • Understanding your present personal capability
  • Defining the negotiator competencies
  • Uncovering the learning gap
  • Identifying what should be negotiated
  • Positioning the negotiation
  • Determining the suppliers likely position
  • The influence of long and short term supplier relationships
  • The importance of research
  • Negotiation Exercise Number 3