EURO WINGS - Building Personal Leadership Skills : Creating Stronger Relationships for a Stronger Organisation


All the attributes that you will require as a leader, can be developed, though positive pro-activity, strong personal discipline and a desire to achieve. Self-confidence and self-determination, combined with an ability to manage people, will make you a strong leader, able to attain your targets and goals.

If you want to move from being a good professional to being a great professional, you cannot afford to miss this seminar. Because leadership skills are attributes that every successful professional needs in today’s business environment. Here you will learn how to motivate your team in order to get them to want to do what they are supposed to do. Like all great leaders, you will learn how to provide a learning environment where team members can grow and develop new skills. You will learn how to stay on course while constantly refocusing your group or department’s goals. You will become an innovator able to add value to your organization, its customers, and its stakeholders.

Highlights of the course are:


By the end of this programme you will be able to:

Training Methodology:

The seminar will combine presentations with interactive practical exercises, supported by video material and case studies. Delegates will be encouraged to participate actively in relating the strategies of effective leadership to the particular needs of their workplace.

Organisational Impact:

Personal Impact:


The Empowering Tools of Leadership: Motivating and Delegating:

The Attributes and Characteristics of Successful leadership:

Coaching for Top Quality Performance:

How to Become an Environmental Change Agent:

Building effective Communication Skills: