EURO WINGS - Vibration Monitoring, Analysis, Alignment & Balancing


In today’s highly competitive marketplace, it is more important than ever that production plant operates in a safe and reliable way. Unscheduled outages caused by plant breakdown can be very costly and engineers must use every possible means at their disposal to maximise plant reliability and performance.

Predictive maintenance, which incorporates condition based maintenance, is a vitally important technical approach to the maintenance of rotating and reciprocating machines. Sadly, however, many organisations never manage to achieve high performance in this field because they are not able to deal with the complexities associated with the most powerful and important condition-based maintenance technique, which is vibration monitoring.

Vibration monitoring and analysis is still seen by many engineers as less than mainstream. It has a mixed reputation in terms of its capabilities and usefulness, and there are also many false rumours associated with its applicability (or otherwise). Yet, if vibration monitoring and analysis is properly understood and implemented, it offers the opportunity to make very significant improvements in plant reliability. It is arguably the single largest missed opportunity in typical technical maintenance systems.

The programme also addresses the closely related subject of balancing of rotating machinery. Whether it is needed as a corrective action or during the (re-)installation of a machine, achieving high quality balance is vitally important to the long term reliability and overall lifetime of plant.



This programme is a combination of instructor-led topic areas and computer-based analysis and modelling. Delegates will learn in detail about, and practice using, best-of-breed approaches to vibration monitoring, vibration analysis and the balancing of machinery. Ample opportunity will be given for delegates to ask lots of questions about how best to apply vibration monitoring and balancing techniques in their own organisations. The programme delivers a comprehensive practically-based approach to vibration monitoring and analysis, including the use of vibration monitoring in machinery balancing applications, and delegates will discuss these concepts and have extensive opportunities to see them being applied to a wide range of real-world case studies.


The purpose of this programme is to explain precisely how vibration monitoring and analysis should be performed, and to demonstrate exactly how it can be used to make significant increases in the improvement of plant reliability and performance.

The programme gives a detailed treatment of the detection, location and diagnosis of faults in rotating and reciprocating machinery, using vibration analysis.

The act of balancing a machine can be performed with the rotor either in situ or transported to a specialists balancing machine. Either approach requires that vibration is monitored on the bearings at each end of the rotor, and thereafter that calculations are performance to establish the mass changes that need to be made to achieve the desired balance quality. Both approaches are covered in detail by the programme.


Vibration and its measurment

Vibration symptoms of common machine faults

Balance problems and vibration based balance correction

Fundamentals of bearing and gear vibration

Vibration based fault diagnosis