EURO WINGS - Understanding Human Performance

The Course

The key to understanding and managing people effectively is to know something about what makes people act and behave in the ways they do. What are the drivers that determine individual behaviour, action and motivation? This programme looks at the underlying assumptions we make about human behaviour and psychology and explains them. In particular the workshop will apply this knowledge to understanding how to make management and leadership more effective and efficient.

But people are not machines, they can be seriously affected by personal and work-related problems and concerns. People problems can include work related stress, marriage problems, lack of motivation, work stress, long hours of work, turnover, under-staffing, nationalisation, bullying and job insecurity all impact on employee’s health and performance. The cost to the employer can be enormous. No matter what industry you work in, stress at work can be a very real and overwhelming experience.

The amount of employees suffering from stress and stress-related illnesses is rapidly rising. More than half (53%) of people in work have suffered stress in the past 12 months, while one in four people had taken time off sick through stress in the previous year, according to the latest research by the International Stress Management Association.

The Structure

Module 1 - Managing Employee Performance, Behaviour & Attitudes

Module 2 - Managing People at Work

The Goals

As a result of attending this workshop delegates will have developed:

The Process

This Course will be presented in a highly interactive presentation style. Individual and group activities, will intersperse the sessions. DVD presentations will highlight the major teaching features. A variety of Practical Sessions and Role Plays, and group inter-action are programmed into this Course. These sessions are most informative, inspiring, fun, and presented in a relaxing atmosphere, that is conducive to learning.

The Benefits

The Core Competencies

The Programme Content


Module 1:

Managing Employee Performance, Behaviour & Attitudes

Performance and the Individual

Managing Employee Performance

The Assertiveness Model of Behaviour and Attitudes

Exercises with Behaviour and Attitudes

Attitudes and Attitudes to Self


Module 2:

Managing People at Work

People Problems at Work

Understanding Stress

Basic Counselling Skills

Understanding Motivation

Critical Incident Stress (CISD) and Trauma Counselling