EURO WINGS - The Management & Leadership Development Programme


A management position requires the holder to perform a number of roles simultaneously: strategist, team-builder, innovator, decision-maker, mentor and leader. Success at a management level involves integrating the requirements of these roles with confidence and assurance. This uniquely designed course offers existing Supervisors, Team Leaders & professionals , and those being prepared for promotion to a senior level, the opportunity to develop the awareness, understanding, knowledge and skills which will enable them to maximise their performance and success in today’s fast-changing and demanding business environment.

It will help Supervisors, Team Leaders & professionals answer the following questions:

The seminar is split into two modules:


By the end of this programme you will be able to:

Training Methodology:

The seminar will combine tutor-led presentations with interactive practical exercises, supported by video material and case studies. Delegates will be encouraged to participate actively in relating the principles of emotional intelligence and strategic planning to the particular needs of their workplace.

Organisational Impact:

Personal Impact:


Module I

Leading with Emotional Intelligence:
Psychology of Leadership (Certified Leader)

Introduction to Emotional Intelligence:

Psychology of Leadership:

Apply Psychology in Leading in an Emotionally Intelligent Way:

Building an Emotionally Intelligent Team-based on Psychological Principles:

Communication for Successful Leadership:

Module II

Strategic Planning & Goal Setting:
Setting Business Goals, Targets & Deliverables (Certified Planner)

The strategic planning process:

The strategic planning process:

Assessing current state of the organization:

Avoiding the pitfalls of strategic planning:

Personal strategic planning: