EURO WINGS - The HR Management MBA


New business requirements, new innovations and new International HR models make it essential for HR to be in strategic harmony with the business. No longer a burdensome cost, HR has a new role to play. The new structure for future HR departments will mean a massive re think of how HR contributes to the business and how its value is measured.
This innovative and dynamic new programme will cover all the latest thinking and the new models for Strategic HR.
In today’s world HR managers are faced with increasingly complex responsibilities. In order to meet this challenge they must be continually sharpening their management skills. This new programme will focus on the management and leadership skills necessary for success in today’s fast changing business environment. In this programme you will learn how to:



The training will be conducted in a relaxed and supportive environment. Wide use of case studies and team work. Participants will learn by active participation during the programme through the use of a wide variety of instructional techniques. There will be group exercises to allow for a “hands on” approach to learning. Instructional films will be utilized to present “best practices” approaches. In addition there will be in depth discussion of critical success factors.


DAY 1 - People Management

DAY 2 - Leading Teams

DAY 3 - Strategic Planning

DAY 4 - Negotiating for results

DAY 5 - Operational Excellence

DAY 6 - The changing expectations of Human Resources

DAY 7 - How strategy works - the model and the implementation

DAY 8 - Translating strategy into action and use of corporate culture

DAY 9 - Significant changes in how International HR will function in the future

DAY 10 - Significant HR actions that can help improve the efficiency of the organisation