EURO WINGS - The Certified Competent Manager


This comprehensive development programme will give you the tools and skills you will need to manage your team and be a Competent Manager covering all aspects of modern management, this is your opportunity to learn and practice a whole range of tried and tested and cutting edge techniques for managing people. You will leave the seminar with added confidence to get the very best out of your team and manage in a way that will motivate and inspire your team to achieve greater results and work in a more productive way. By using the techniques learned on this course you will soon be seen within your organisation as a Competent Manager

In this seminar, you will:



By the end of this programme you will be able to:


Organisational Impact


Personal Impact

As a direct result of attending this course you will:


Training Methodology

The seminar is carefully designed to address all styles of learning and to engage participants fully. Lectures, videos and discussions are either preceded or followed by powerful individual or group exercises. These exercises provide opportunities for personal participation in real situations, where delegates will be able to examine their own working practices and experiment with new ones, within the safe environment of the training room. Delegates will also learn from the experiences of other delegates who come from a variety of multi-disciplinary departments and organizations. This process makes training fun filled, fast-paced, challenging and empowering.





Seminar introduction and objectives



Establishing the difference between management and leadership



Understanding the performance management cycle



Identifying stages of team development



Negotiation styles and when they might be appropriate



Following attendance on the programme delegates are required to complete an assignment: