EURO WINGS - Tendering, Procurement and Negotiation Skills

The Conference

Tendering is the function that costs an organization a great deal of money and this has to be performed correctly in order to maximize effectiveness and minimize costs. Organizations’ executive management everywhere is realizing that Managing Tenders must emerge as a critical core competency if organizations are to increase revenue.

Essential Tendering is linked with Procurement Skills and covered in this programme so designed to explore the best practices in the phases of tendering and procurement. This programme explores many of the best practices in the initial phases of contracting so that participants will be able to implement the steps needed to create maximum total value for their organization. Included in the large number of topics that brings increased professionalism to the important functions of the Tendering and Procurement departments are:

The Goals

The goals of this programme are to:

The Process

Participants will learn by active participation during the programme through the use of written materials, exercises, role playing and discussions on “real life” issues in their organizations.

There will be practical examples and exercises including:

The Benefits

Employees gain from this programme by:

The Results

The organization will benefit by:

Participants will be able to immediately implement a wide variety of time-tested techniques in Tendering and Procurement Management. During the programme they will be exposed to the latest trends in Tendering and Procurement Management that make companies successful; the emphasis being on practical, real world implementation of modern methods.

The Core Competencies

Participants will gain in the following competencies as a result of the programme:

The Conference Content

How Tendering and Procurement Aligns with the Organization Strategy

The Tendering Process

Advanced Procurement Skills

The Negotiation Process

Implementing Improvements into the Organisation