EURO WINGS - Talent & Succession Management Masterclass


Two quotations that will show you the value of this programme:

“Good people produce 40% more than average people” (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 2008)
“A good employee is 50 times better than an average employee.” Steve Jobs CEO and owner of Apple

That is the real reason for talent management and ensuring talent is attracted to your organisation and that you provide the right environment, including pay structures, for talent to thrive and fully contribute to your organisation. This new and exciting programme will cover all the areas needed to help you set up a talent powerhouse from strategy differentiation to succession planning and all the steps necessary to make it happen. Delegates will be able to use the new (2008) talent pipeline model, and receive a copy for their use in the workplace.

If you’re still not convinced - one final quotation from Jim Collins author of “Good to Great” “People are not your most important asset. The right people are”



Delegates attending should bring with them their current organisation's Vision and Mission statements.



This interactive programme will use a variety of current case studies and DVD’s to explain key learning principles. There will also be group work to enable learning takes place in a relaxed and friendly environment.

Each delegate will get an A3 coloured talent pipeline process map.


This masterclass will cover the full range of talent management form strategic design, though recruitment, development and succession planning. There will be ample opportunities for you to ask - and have your questions answered from our senior instructor who has a wide range of international experience in this area.  


 The strategic decisions needed for talent management

 The key mechanisms to make talent thrive

 What do talent powerhouses look like?

The practice of getting, developing and benefiting from our talent management process

 Succession Planning - 3 new approaches