EURO WINGS - Succeeding as a New Manager


This programme provides an understanding of the issues which allow for effective management and supervision, such as proactive planning, understanding of customer relations, effective time management, proper communication and understanding human interaction, helping new managers/supervisors know how to use productive leadership and management techniques.




This programme is an interactive mixture of lecture, discussion, activities and practice on management and supervisory skills. It provides definitions, examples, discussion and activities designed to promote skill building with interaction and discussion among participants. Activities and work on practice case studies are used to deliberately highlight the concepts taught and allow participants to practice new skills.


New managers and supervisors are in a unique role of being able to direct and manage a group of people, but at the same time are learning the best methods of leadership and management. This programme is designed to give participants an understanding of key management and supervisory leadership skills, methods, processes and procedures, as well as practice on techniques. The principles used are easily adapted to any type of organisation or individual’s management role.


DAY 1 - Leadership Skills Required of a New Manager/Supervisor

DAY 2 - Importance of Goal Setting and Planning Management for a Manager/Supervisor

DAY 3 - Time Management and Communication as Effective Disciplines for New Managers/Supervisors

DAY 4 - How New Managers/Supervisors Build Effective Interpersonal Interactions

DAY 5 - Developing Personal and Work Group Improvement Plans