EURO WINGS - Strategic Thinking & Business Planning


Too often company executives and professionals spend most of their time fixing day-to-day problems. They react to problems, rather than focusing on what they would like the company to be and then on making it happen. This program focuses on changing the way we think from reacting (responding to day-to-day problems, fixing and repairing) to developing plans for what we want to have happen and then implementing the plans.

In attending this course, you will gain the skills necessary to change your management approach from letting things happen to making things happen the way we want. These are necessary skills and key issues for anyone who is involved in:



The central objectives of this conference are as follows:


Cconference  Methodology

The approach to the seminar is to combine formal presentation of the subject matter with class discussion of case studies that illustrate the issues that have just been presented. Some use of video-based material is included. Above all, the seminar leader will refer extensively to examples of strategic analysis and decisions made in companies with which he has been personally involved. This gives a real-life and up-to-date perspective on the subject.


Organisational Impact


Personal Impact



How We Think: Are we simply allowing things to happen, or are we making them happen the way we want?


Strategic Planning


Linkage to Marketing and Sales and Strategy Choice

Linkage to the financial dimension


Bringing It All Together