EURO WINGS - Project Risk Management & Compliance


This seminar will emphasize awareness of project risk management to minimize project cost/schedule overruns & improve project execution.

Project management is all about the management of risks; the ability to seize opportunities, minimize threats and to optimize results. However, risk management is too often treated as a reactive process, or worse, not done at all. In this Project Risk Management course, you’ll work through the proactive approach to both sides of risk: threats and opportunities. The approach is based on a clear understanding of both qualitative and quantitative approaches to risk management.

The highlights of this course are:

An issue facing most projects is compliance; with both internal corporate policy and with government regulations. Failure to properly proceed in this area can result in costly schedule and budget problems on a project.



The program is designed to provide practicing project managers, program managers, technical leaders and owner/sponsors with the skills and knowledge to successfully manage risk throughout the project cycle. As such, delegates will:


Conference Methodology

The training methodology will incorporate both theory and skill training components, utilizing both traditional lectures, as well as hands-on exercises, group discussions and case studies.


Organisational Impact

Both private and public organizations will greatly benefit from systematic approach to managing project, which will improve the likelihood of on-time and on-budget project completion by focusing on:


Personal Impact

Delegates will:




Risk Management Framework and Planning


Risk Planning (Step 1)

Risk Identification Processes

Risk Identification (Step 2)

Review of Cost & Schedule Estimating in Relation to Risk


Risk Assessment and Quantification Processes

Risk Assessment & Quantification (Step 3)

Risk Response Plan Development

Risk Response Plan Development (Step 4)

Risk Response Control