EURO WINGS - Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement & Benchmarking

The Course

The use of performance measures is of paramount importance to all organisations wishing to improve business performance. Whilst Japanese organisations led the way in implementing effective performance measurement, many companies world wide are now catching up as performance measurement is seen as key to effectively managing organisations.

Having implemented performance measurement systems in an organisation, management naturally requires that processes are continually improved. Many organisations have adopted a continuous improvement approach to running their organisations in which they continually strive for better and better performance levels.

A key element to continuous improvement is Benchmarking. Without benchmarking it is we do not know how competitive we are or where we need to focus improvement efforts. Benchmarking helps organisations to balance their internal problem solving and improvement activities with the realities of external environment. This includes other industries that perform similar functions, similar businesses that are geographically separate, and non-profit or public institutions. Under the right conditions, benchmarking can be performed by direct competitors, resulting in improved performance benefiting all stakeholders. Benchmarking not only provides awareness of what and where "best" performance lie, but more importantly, it enables the paradigm shift that internally focused teams sometimes fail to achieve. It fosters creative adoption and adaptation of "best" practices to help organisations gain and maintain a competitive advantage.

One aspect that many organisations find difficult to manage is shared services. The first step in managing this and any other aspect of an organisation is to measure it. Once it has been measured it can be benchmarked and improved.

The Goals

Seminar objectives include:

This includes, for example:

The Process

This seminar is highly participatory and your seminar leader will present, guide and facilitate learning, using a range of methods including discussions, case studies, workshops and experiments. Participants will have the opportunity to begin planning aspects their own performance measurement, improvement and benchmarking activities.

The Benefits

Delegates will learn:

The Results

Once delegates have attended the seminar they will be able to support/lead the organization in effective performance monitoring, improvement and benchmarking activities.

In particular as the ideas and methods explained on the seminar are implemented, the organization will be able benefit from:

The Core Competencies

This seminar builds on existing skills and experiences. It develops the competency to be able to advise on, facilitate and manage the implementation of performance measurement systems as well as continuous improvement and benchmarking activities in the delegate's own organisation. The delegate will be able to take an active and effective part in all aspects of implementing and running a successful performance measurement system, as well as continuous and benchmarking projects.

Specific competencies gained include, but are not limited to the following areas:

The Programme Content


Performance Measurement: The Starting Point for Improvement

On day 1, we investigate the importance of measurement, how to select and implement appropriate performance measures and the key to understanding the results.


Continuous Improvement

On day 2, we discover that performance measurement and analysis leads naturally into improvement. Today we move from measurement through measurement analysis using the control chart into the methodology of continuous improvement.


The Tools of Continuous Improvement

On day 3, we work through the improvement methodology by investigating the tools and techniques used to improve a process. Each tool is illustrated and delegates will see how they have been used in performance improvement activities.


An Introduction to Benchmarking

Today we investigate the importance of benchmarking in helping organizations improve shared service performance to be amongst the best in the industry. We learn about different types of benchmarking and how to select the appropriate type to meet a specific need. We also learn how to identify and select benchmarking projects.


Running a Successful Benchmarking Project

On Day 5, we learn how to run a successful benchmarking project from scoping the study through to managing the participants of the study to data collection, validation, analysis and reporting. Finally we see how to set up effective information exchanges and Best Practice Forums that facilitate implementation of practices that will lead to top level performances.