EURO WINGS - Motivating, Coaching, Counselling & Mentoring: Practical Tools for Effective Leadership


We often hear record-breaking athletes say; I owe it to my coach; That’s because however talented they are, athletes need a coach to improve their performance and competitiveness. Likewise, Companies and Organisations need to create a culture where coaching and feedback occur as a routine part of each day. Towards this strategic end.



It is essential for effective leadership to understand that:


Training Methodology

The Course will be presented in a highly inter-active manner, with a very impactive computer presentation style.

Together with your fellow participants, you will bring a wide variety of experience and resources to the programme. The course facilitator’s role is to help you learn for yourself and to assist you as you make sense of new ideas and techniques that you can use at work. We learn things as we try them out, stepping out of the zones that we find comfortable. Joining in role-plays and having a go may feel awkward but is often the best way to find out how we are doing with our learning. You will have plenty of opportunity during the workshop to experiment and try out new skills and understanding. The course facilitator will give you some input and then help you to make sense of the models through some discussion and then practice. You’ll then decide actions to apply the learning to your workplace.


Organisational Impact


Personal Impact

Delegates will learn:



Strategic Equipping For Leadership

The Manager as a Coach and Mentor

The Coaching / Motivation Process and Skills

Putting Coaching & Counselling to Work

Coaching for Decisive Action