EURO WINGS - Mastering Contract Management and Claims Mitigation


Contracts establish the responsibilities and rights of the parties. This highly interactive programme will provide a practical hands-on approach to effective management of contracts and offer techniques and contract strategies to assist this process. It will also assist in establishing an international risk management strategy with reference to contracts and develop good business practice to take advantage of opportunities, enhance efficiency and increase profitability. In this conference you will learn how to:



The conference will combine conventional teaching based on real-life exmaples, often from the trainers own experienance and with a high level of participation, including an interactive approach to involving participants in discussion of topics, exercises and encouraging participants to bring their own experiences forward for discussion and debate.


The conference will address the framework within which contracts are created, and the methods by which valid contracts may be formed. It will also look at some of the different contracting strategies available in international contracting and some of the common provisions. It will also look in particular at payment issues and post-contract liability. The programme will consider how to avoid disputes by good contract management and the various methods of resolving those disputes that do arise. This will include current international best practice in Alternative Dispute Resolution in general, and mediation in particular.


The Legal Framework of Contracts and how they are created

 Some issues arising in contracts

Different Contracting Strategies in International Contracts

Contract Management and the management of change and payment

Resolution of Disputes