EURO WINGS - Managing Tenders, Specifications & Contracts


A major portion of every organization’s operating cost is spent on outside goods and services. Based on this fact, executive management everywhere is determining that Managing Tenders, Specifications, and Contracts must emerge as a critical core competency if organizations are to increase revenue. This seminar is designed to explore many of the best practices in the initial phases of contracting so that participants will be able to implement the steps needed to create maximum total value for their organization. Included in the vast number of topics that brings increased professionalism to these important functions are:



Participants attending the program will:


Confenece Methodology

Participants will increase competencies through a variety of instructional methods including lecture by an experienced practitioner and consultant, exercises, and group discussions covering current practices and their relationship to the implementation of new concepts.


Organizational Impact

The organization will benefit by:

Personal Impact

Attendees will gain by participation in this program as a result of:



Contracting Strategy

Evaluation and Contract Preparation

Important Elements of the Contract


Additional Important Contract Clauses

Preparing the Contract for the Completion