EURO WINGS - Leading and Managing Change


Recession, globalisation, cheaper technology and crises in financial markets are just a few of the causes of enormous change in the business world. A business which stands still will fail and so it becomes imperative to be able to recognise what drives change in our businesses and how to lead and manage the change which must inevitably occur

This highly interactive and practical programme is designed to help anyone with responsibility for change at work to:


By the end of the course you will:


Training Methodology

We use accelerated learning techniques to embed learning and enhance recall. Every theory is immediately grounded in day to day practice so that delegates can apply everything they have learnt on their return to the workplace. We use a variety of small and plenary group discussions and activities, encourage delegates to present their own ideas and challenge each other in a safe environment, so that they learn not only from the instructor but through shared experience


Organisational Impact

Change is a constant, and so it is imperative that as many people as possible are equipped to manage it. Delegates will return from the programme with a solid grounding in how to identify areas which require change, when that change should take place and how to manage the change effectively. The effects will quickly be seen in the ease with which change is managed at any level in the organisation whilst causing minimal disruption to business as usual


Personal Impact

Delegates will develop a sense of confidence in managing change, both from a task and results viewpoint and from a people focus. They will learn how to apply tried and tested techniques for managing organisational change in a practical way which wins over hearts and minds, helps others to see the real reasons for and benefits of change and ensures that they are able to work with everyone involved in the change to make it work as effectively as possible



Foundations of Change


Preparing for Change


People and Change


Leading and Managing Change


Culture and Change