EURO WINGS - Leadership Skills for High Performing Managers

Program Overview

In this program you will learn about...
Most managers are evaluated as average by their peers and superiors even though they posses good job specific skills and perform their job adequately. High performing managers are those who stand out because of the legacy they establish in their organizations. In this program we will understand these processes, develop methodology for choosing your legacy and understand the process of implementation of a leadership plan. A unique program empowering you to play a leadership role in your organization, your department or your section - to the benefit of your organization and your own career advancement.
This program provides the essential leadership skills required in managers and executives to be recognized as high performers in their organizations.
Each participant will go away with an action plan he can implement in a step-by-step manner in his organization.

Program Content

Week 1
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Week 2
Day 5

Day 6-8

Day 9

Day 10

For all of above (and more) you will learn...

After attending the program you should have an action plan to implement what you have learnt on your job. The action plan is developed individually (during the program) to suite your organizational needs.