EURO WINGS - Handling Information Overload


This conference can help anyone at any level to improve the speed and effectiveness of their reading (for work and for study). It also explains the secrets of super memory systems and shows how mind mapping can be used for better note-making, planning and communication skills. The programme will help you to:




Conference Methodology

This conference is enjoyable, practical and inter-active. The techniques are presented in a clear, simple and easy-to-learn way using a mix of individual experiment, group work and discussion. You will find plenty of opportunities to participate, comment and question – but will never be put under pressure to express opinions. You will be invited to learn at your own speed and to focus on developing your personal skills-set.


Organisational Impact


Personal Impact




Brain Skills, Fast Reading and Mind Mapping

Reading Strategies and Memory Systems

Reading at Work, Memory Rhythms and Thinking in Groups

Time Management and Outcome Planning For Better Results

Problem Solving, Meetings and Planning for Success