EURO WINGS - HR Metrics and Analytics

The Course

The HR function is a high-value-added part of the organisation and plays a key role in developing and implementing corporate strategy. This is because of the growing importance of human capital in organisational success.

The HR function needs to be more effective as a strategic partner in the organisation rather than a purely administrative function. Such an HR function will drive and deliver change rather than just react to it.

In order to achieve this highly desired prize, the HR function must develop its ability to measure how HR decisions affect the organisation and how the decisions taken by the organisation affect human capital. In short, the HR function needs to develop better metrics and analytics if it is to become a true strategic partner.

Once the metrics are established, the organisation will need to develop HR policies that react to the messages. The course will also consider the type of HR policies that are being developed in response to the usual range of messages from the metrics and analytics.

The Goals

The goals of the course are as follows:

The Process

The course will be highly interactive with tutorial input as well as case studies and syndicate work. There will be much opportunity for discussion and for participants to compare experience.

Time will be allocated at the end of each day to reflect upon the learning and plan the transfer back to the work place.

The Benefits

Participants will gain the skills needed to design their own internal framework for measuring the effectiveness of the HR function.

Also, participants will:

The Results

As a result of attending this course Participants will be able to:

The Core Competencies

The Programme Content

Corporate Strategy


HR Tools and Methods


Driving Organisational Change


Connecting HR Metrics and Analytics with Action 1


Driving Organisational Change: Connecting HR Metrics and Analytics with Action 2