EURO WINGS - Financial Analysis, Planning & Controlling Budgets


This seminar brings together important areas of financial management, planning and control: Financial Analysis, Planning and Control; Setting & Controlling Budgets. It will help business professionals:



The seminar provides delegates with the knowledge required to find better answers to questions such as:

and to focus on key issues such as:


Training Methodology

The seminar includes numerous practical examples and real life illustrations, and participative exercises and case studies. It will be presented in a very user-friendly way to suit individuals with varying levels of financial knowledge and experience. Our aim is for this to be an enjoyable learning experience. The training methodology combines presentations, discussions, team exercises and case studies. Delegates will gain both a theoretical and a practical knowledge of all the topics covered. The emphasis is on the practical application of the topics and as a result delegates will return to the workplace with both the ability and the confidence to apply the techniques learned.

All delegates will receive a comprehensive manual of the seminar to take back to the company, which will serve as a useful source of reference in the future. In addition, all delegates will receive a CD containing a soft copy of the manual and additional material such as Excel models used during the seminar.

Organisational Impact


Personal Impact

This seminar will enable delegates to:


Financial Analysis, Planning and Control




The Challenge of Financial Economic Decision-Making


Assessment of Business Performance


Projection of Financial Requirements


Analysis of Investment Decisions


Valuation and Business Performance


Setting and Controlling Budgets


Strategic and Financial Planning


The Framework for Budgeting


Cost Analysis for Budgeting


Budgeting: case study day - Controlling the budget variances


Beyond Budgeting: Broadening Performance Measurement Systems