EURO WINGS - Financial Accounting & Reporting


This interactive seminar will develop an understanding of the importance of financial reporting in business. It will consider how the Annual Report provides an opportunity for the management of a company to account for their actions to the stockholders. The seminar will consider the framework imposed by accounting and financial reporting standards, corporate legislation, and the requirements of stock markets around the world. The implications of recent financial scandals in the USA, and how these have prompted the strengthening of corporate governance around the world will be discussed.

The seminar will also consider the ways in which internal reporting contributes to the control of costs, identification and correction of problems, and how to make and implement profitable decisions.

The highlights of this course will be:


At the end of this seminar participants will:

Training Methodology:

The seminar will be conducted along workshop principles with formal lectures, case studies and interactive worked examples. Relevant case studies will be provided to illustrate the application of each technique in an operational environment. Each learning point will be re-inforced with practical exercises. Discussion in groups will promote exchange of concepts and ideas.

Organisational Impact:

What will your organisation gain from sending employees to attend this seminar?:

Personal Impact:

What will the employee gain from attending this seminar?:


Financial Reporting and Corporate Governance:

Accounting Systems, Reporting and Decisions:

Cash Flow and Investment Appraisal:

Financing and Cost of Capital:

Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Reports: