EURO WINGS - Environmental Monitoring and Modelling: Environmental Management Systems


As concern grows for continually improving the quality of the environment, organizations of all types and sizes are increasingly turning their attention to the environmental impacts of their activities, products and services. The environmental performance of an organization is of importance to internal and external interested parties. Achieving sound environmental performance requires organizational commitment to a systematic approach and, to continual improvement of their environmental performance.

The purpose of this course is to provide delegates with the opportunity of gaining the skills and knowledge to develop and implement and/or improve an Environmental Management System (EMS)



By the end of this seminar delegates will be able to:


Conference Methodology

Delegates will learn by active participation through inspiring presentation tools and interactive techniques presented in a lively, enthusiastic and interesting style. Delegates will take part in practical team exercises, typical case studies and open discussion forums, as related to their own organisation’s operational activities.


Organisational Impact


Personal Impact



Introduction to Environmental Management

Environmental Management Systems

Environmental Aspects & Impacts

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Internal Environmental Auditing