EURO WINGS - Energy, Carbon and the Environment


With increasing concerns about climate change, carbon footprint and energy production, there are a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings concerning the subject. This course will try to clear up these misunderstandings and misconceptions by going into some depth about the various forms of energy production, their environmental impacts, waste management issues and the global challenges in these areas that we all have to deal with. As the push is on now to moving towards a low carbon future, organizations have to ensure that their staff are being kept current and informed.

Workshops, DVD videos and classroom exercises will be used during the seminar to enhance the learning process.




Training Methodology

The course will encourage delegates’ participation and the atmosphere in the classroom will be tailored to asking questions and the delegates will be made to feel welcome in a stress free atmosphere. The instructor having worked in a nuclear power station and fossil fuelled generation stations (oil, coal and natural gas) will share some technical practical experiences during some of the discussions.


Organisational Impact


Personal Impact





A general outline of the course which will include definitions, types of energy and their relationships with the environment



A brief review of the topics covered in Day 1 and a continuation of the other forms of energy used for Electrical production



A brief review of the topics covered in Day 2 and a detailed look at Carbon Footprints for each of the various forms of energy used for producing electricity and their contribution to the organization’s KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and a discussion on Environmental Risks and Health & Safety Issues (ISO 18001)



A brief review of the topics covered in Day 3 and current information on GHGs (Green House Gases), sustainability & related international environmental treaties and the role that the availability of Water plays in the Energy, Carbon and Environment equation



A brief review of the topics covered in Day 4. A detailed look at What’s known and not known about climate change. Why most companies are now moving towards an Integrated Waste Management System. Environmental Ethics and moving towards a low carbon or carbon negative future.