EURO WINGS - Electronic Document Management Systems With Business Process Automation

Assisting You Provide Better

Covering: Needs Analysis, Implementation Strategies, Technical Specifications & Procedures, Security and Compliance with Good & Best Management Practices

Includes: A Hands On-Workshop to Apply the Methods Discussed

Program Content

  1. Objective of Document Management Systems
  2. EDMS Systems and Direction of the Technology
  3. Role to Documents in our Business
    • Supporting Business Processes
    • Legal Requirements
    • Knowledge Management
  4. Features of EDMS Systems
  5. Strategies for EDMS Implementation
  6. Understanding Good Management Practices and Role Documents Play
  7. Assessing Documentation Needs for the Business Processes
  8. Knowledge Management through EDMS Systems
  9. EDMS System Implementation
    • Analyzing Needs
    • Choosing Implementation Strategy
    • Technical Specifications & Procedures
    • Scanning
    • Storage Structure
    • OCR or Vectorization
    • Indexing
    • Security
    • Workflow
    • Contracting Arrangement
    • Monitoring Implementation
    • Testing and Acceptance
    • Operation Support
  10. Business Process Automation & Workflow Systems
  11. Understanding Workflow Integration
  12. Identification of Business Processes
  13. Identification of Business Processes Needing Workflow
  14. Technical Specifications and Implementation Procedures
  15. Implementing Workflow with EDMS and Knowledge Management Systems
  16. Program Recommendations & Action Plan

Program Outcomes and Take-Away/s

Euro Training is in the business of  providing practical useful training programs. Programs that

  1. Help the participant implement improvements in his organization.
  2. Help the participant gain Multi-discipline understanding of the issues so that he can incorporate the needs and expectations of all his stakeholders/ customers in his improvement proposals and actions.
  3. Help build a knowledge framework in which job related experience can be caught and remembered as his experience.

Typical participant will take away a personalized action plan for himself, his business unit or his organization on how to apply the program contents to improve performance. The action plan may have two components:

  1. A Personal Action Plan
  2. A Business Unit/Organizational Action Plan

Benefits to Organization

Sending participant/s to this program will benefit the organization in the following ways

  1. Quickly makes the participants competent, effective and productive on his job. Useful especially for
    1. Training New employees
    2. Competency Building in Existing Employees Transferred to a New Assignment
    3. Training Prior to a New Project or Initiative Planned in the Organization
  2. Create Competency in the employee to perform his job well. including in relation to
    1. Relevant Technical Knowledge, Skills and Competencies
    2. Organizations' Strategic Objectives
    3. Needs and Expectations of the Stakeholders/ Customers (internal & external)
    4. Good Management Practices
    5. Identifying opportunities to Exceed Stakeholder/ Customer Expectations
  3. Create a pool of trained manpower who can cost-effectively disseminate the knowledge to large number of employees inside the organization. This is made possible by Euro Training's unique easy to understand and use methodology based on Checklist & Quality Assurance Approaches.
  4. Euro Training Instructors often act as mentors for your trained employees. A most effective way to ensure effective competency development and application by your motivated staff. We do have consultants available across Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa (Please inquire about our post program mentoring plans)

Participant Individual Career Benefits

  1. You gain a multi-discipline understanding of the issues. Meaning when you make proposals and decisions on your related job you will keep in mind the needs and expectations of ALL the stakeholders/ customers (internal & external)
  2. The action plan you take away will help you make a difference in your business unit or organization. This difference when added to your resume will make you a prime candidate for career advancement in your own organization or in your next job/s.
  3. Understanding and acting with understanding of the Needs and Expectations of your stakeholders/ customers is known to  to enhance Job Satisfaction and reduce Monday Morning Blues.
  4. As one of your stakeholders/ customers is Executive Management, therefore the program ensures you will know the Strategic Imperatives that Drive the Organization's Efforts in your relevant job area. In the process enabling you to make a leadership contribution.

Benefits you can Expect from Attending this Program

  1. Understanding the Benefits to your organization of Implementing the EDMS System, including
  2. Managing your Documents more  Efficiently
  3. Not Loosing your Documents
  4. Being able to Quickly retrieve Documents
  5. Being able to Build Case Files Quickly and Effectively
  6. Prevent Mistakes by Use of Outdated /Revised Documents
  7. Improve Internal Customer Satisfaction
  8. Increase External Customer Satisfaction
  9. Empower your Decision Makers at every level in your organization
  10. Increase management Control over your ORGANIZATIONAL Processes
  11. Reduce Costs
  12. Save Space
  13. Understand the Real Documentation Needs of your Organization over the Next 10-20 years
  14. Specifying your EDMS Requirements to your Implementation Contractor/Consultant
  15. Better Monitoring and Control of your EDMS Contractor/Consultant
  16. Develop Effective (Business Strategic Objectives Oriented) Document Security and Access Control System
  17. Understand Specifying Audit Features for your EDMS.
  18. Effectively Choosing an EDMS System – Software Solution
  19. Effectively Choosing an Implementation Contractor
  20. Improving you Existing Documentation System
  21. Bringing your Documentation System in Compliance with the International Standards, Good Practices and Best Practices
  22. Help you Get in an Innovation Frame of Mind.
  23. Preparing Request for Proposals
  24. Preparing Bidding Documents

This program is not any Software Specific. It applies irrespective of which software you choose to implement in your organization.

Why this EDMS & Business Process Automation Program?

This technology creates a single computer database of all your organization's Documents, Specifications, Procedures, Drawings, Reports, CAD, Microfilms, Photographs, FAX, Correspondence, Forms ... You can find and access any of these (if authorized) through your computer from your office, home or when traveling. You can find all documents relating to a particular issue within seconds .. You can send a copy of your findings to others..

The advantages of EDMS are obvious - Increased Customer Satisfaction, Reduced Response Times, Productivity Improvement, Improved Quality of Service, Compliance with Good and Best Management Practices and  Document Control and Knowledge Management. And helps you integrate to your organization's Knowledge and Information Sharing with Internet Plans.

But ... Implemented or Maintained without proper strategy could lead to large recurring costs and huge reorganization costs.

Also ... Technology is changing fast ... whether you are planning a New EDMS or Upgrading or Maintaining a EDMS you need to understand the way the Technology is Going before taking the Technical and Business Decisions.

Your Organization or Consultants may lack the Multidiscipline Knowledge required to Specify and Design EDMS and KM Systems that will last you for the next decades.

ETL has done the necessary research to bring you all this knowledge. ETL keeps this information continually updated.

This Program is relevant irrespective of the IT Software Solution you plan to adopt or Develop Inhouse for Knowledge Management and EDMS.

About ETL and this Program…

While designing this program ETL’s Objective was to research, compile and keep updated at one place the best worldwide methodologies in EDMS and have the same available to industry as one training program.

Many case studies are discussed in this program including those from Business, Industry, Government and Service Organizations.