EURO WINGS - Effectiveness & Influencing Skills Communicate Openly, Negotiate


This seminar focuses on areas of communication and persuasion which will help delegates to be more effective in the organisational context. By understanding the key concepts of internal communication and how these skills contribute to influencing and persuading others in the organisation, delegates will be able to turn more outcomes in their favour.

The following are the highlights of the programme:



Encourages open expression of ideas; asks questions; listens effectively, ensures a smooth flow of information between self and others through clear speaking and writing.


By the end of this programme, delegates will be able to:


Training Methodology

The seminar is designed as a highly interactive series of sessions that build on the Delegates’ current skills and experience. Communication and Presentation practice is handled using Real-Play; a system like role-play but using Real World examples and people. At all times, the facilitator will draw on real world Work-experience as well as Leadership Theory to bring points to life.


Organisational Impact

Organisations can expect delegates to;


Personal Impact

Delegates can expect to



Personal Inner Communication Essentials


Understanding Communication and Persuasion


Communicating and Presenting Effectively


Communication Strategies for Professional Excellence


Applying Personal Influence and Persuasion