EURO WINGS - Effective Time, Task & Plan and Organize Work

The Course

With the accelerating change of the twenty-first century, time management skills are at the top of the personal development tool kit. Know where you're going? What you want from work and life? Concerned how time slips through your fingers and another day, week, month, year goes by without achieving all you wanted?

This seminar will help you asses your present situation, in terms of work and personal life. It will enable you to manage yourself more effectively within your own time constraints and show you how to better organize and priorities your work / life tasks.



Plans and Organize own work; organizes and prioritizes work activities for self and others; involves others appropriately; considers staffing and resourcing limitations when planning work; creates specific actions steps to execute work.



The Goals

By attending this seminar you will learn how to:


The Process

The seminar is based on a combination of interactive activities - group and individual exercises, case studies, role plays and discussions - along with formal inputs.

The environment will be a supportive one in which individuals with varying degrees of experience will be encouraged to share the approaches they currently use as well as try out new ones that they encounter on the course. The course Tutor will be on hand to answer any questions a delegate may have and to act as a facilitator for building and applying new approaches.

We aim for this to be an enjoyable as well as a learning experience and feel that the mix of style and learning techniques will prove valuable to those that attend.

The Benefits

Attendance at the program will result in individuals being exposed to a wide range of interpersonal and organisational techniques required to operate effectively in a their role. They will be able to identify and implement techniques to manage themselves more effectively under the constraints of today's busy lifestyles.

Delegates will be introduced to different techniques and approaches for operating effectively within the role. They will be coached on techniques that suit them as individuals and will have practiced such techniques with a view to applying them effectively in the workplace.

The Results

Staff attending this event will appreciate the range of skills and competencies required to fulfil their tasks on a daily basis. These skills will develop a more efficient and motivated workforce enabling increased outputs and productivity in any are of the business.

The Core Competencies

The Programme Content


Day One

Our changing world - personal assessment

Day Two

Why time matters and how your use of time affects others

Day Three

Work planning and project management

Day Four

Practical techniques for managing time wasters

Day Five

Making it all work