EURO WINGS - Effective Negotiation, Persuasion and Critical Thinking

The Conference

Alliances in business are a natural route for development – but not all contracting relationships can truly be seen as alliances. A good, trusting and open relationship is essential for a long-term and successful alliance – and this needs to be practiced by the negotiators involved.

Negotiation is inevitably at the heart of the every process to achieve what you want, whether in an agreement, bargaining for an item or closing a deal. At the end of each negotiation, the goal is to seek a win/win outcome – an essential characteristic of long-lasting alliances.

This seminar provides an essential framework for effective negotiation — which will be vital for building and exploiting an alliance - from building the relationship, critical thinking to prioritize goals (and awareness of possible ploys you may encounter along the way).

The Goals

At the end of the seminar, you will have:

The Process

The seminar combines presentations with interactive practical exercises, supported by activities and case studies. Delegates will be encouraged to participate actively in relating creative leadership strategies to the particular needs of their workplace.

The Results

This seminar will help delegates to make an impact in the workplace for negotiating the best possible terms of an agreement for mutual benefits of the “alliance partners”.

This seminar will enhance delegates understanding of Negotiation, and Influence to help them become more effective negotiators for long-term relationships and beneficial agreements.

The Core Competencies

Participants will develop the following competencies:

The Conference Content

Developing Alliances

Influence & persuasion skills in managing the alliance

Strategy in negotiation skills for partners and allies

Higher level negotiation skills for challenging situations

Maintaining alliances: critical thinking for decision making