EURO WINGS - Effective Leadership: Transforming your Mind and Enhancing Communication Skills

The Conference

This seminar is designed for all those who have the potential and capabilities of developing into supervisors, team leaders and new managers. Whatever their job title, if they are in charge of others then they will be helped greatly by this seminar.

In this seminar you will:

According to the Harvard Business Review, "85% of the reason a person gets, keeps and performs well in a job, depends on their ATTITUDE and only 15% on their APTITUDE". (Aptitude is your University degree, diploma, training, knowledge etc.) It has been found that most Companies spend almost all their training budget on technical and skill development. However, today's "cutting edge" companies and organizations are now selecting and incorporating Peak Performance Training and Staff Personal Development, to increase the performance and productivity of their Staff.

The well known Cox Report of American Business unequivocally stated that, "As many as 94% of the top executives of the Fortune 500 Companies, attributed their success, more to ATTITUDE, than any other ingredient!" Professional excellence is primarily determined by harnessing and maximizing mind, attitude and motivation power.

This seminar will bring about dynamic, positive, mindset changes and will give each participant, life style attitudes that will motivate their life to an exciting new level!

The Structure

Module 1 - Mind, Attitude & Motivation

Module 2 - Communication, Coordination & Leadership

The Goals

Upon completion of this power packed, inspirational seminar, each participant will have learnt how to:

The Process

This Course will be presented in a highly inter-active manner, with a very impactive computer presentation style. Individual and group activities, will intersperse the sessions. Video and role plays situations will highlight the major teaching features.

The Benefits

Each person will learn how to:

The Results

The Company will benefit by:

The Core Competencies

Participants will develop the following competencies:

The Conference Content


Module 1:

Mind, Attitude & Motivation

Harnessing the Power of Your Mind

Selective and Creative Thinking

Discover the Significance of Attitudinal Living

Attitude Management

Mind Set Motivation


Module 2:

Communication, Coordination & Leadership

Who do you think you are?

Enriching Your Communication Skills

The Skills of the Coordinator

The Modern Leader

Communicating, Coordinating and Leading