EURO WINGS - Effective Global Procurement

The Course

This new approach maximizes value from procurement by combining traditional techniques, with newer tools, techniques and approaches. We will give an understanding of the Category Management methodology with the necessary working knowledge of how this approach can be used, and is now being used, by World Class companies.

This seminar shows how Category Management maximises value from procurement by integrating supplier sourcing, supplier management, supplier development and supplier relationships management.

Effective Category Management of procurement and the supply chain can create economic profit for World Class supply chains; we will also demonstrate how this can be achieved.

The Goals

The Process

The Benefits

The Results

The Core Competencies

The Programme Content


Understanding procurement and category management


Maximising value and procurement excellence by using varied routes


Understanding the supplier sourcing and selection routes

Understanding collaborative supplier management


Recognising and overcoming the barriers to Category Management

The 4 step model for introducing Category Management


The 4 step model for introducing Category Management, continued

Category Management and rethinking the supply chain