EURO WINGS - Decision Making using Statistical Process Control


Quality and productivity are essential for survival in the global economy. Customers expect products and services to meet acceptable standards of quality. Quality control involves measuring and managing the variation inherent in processes which produce the finished products.

Statistics plays an important role in Quality management. It provides the objective evidence to managers to monitor and control the performance of production processes and assess the quality of finished products. This is integral to the Total Quality Management approach to product and service delivery.

It is therefore essential that every manager who is responsible for the production of a finished product or the delivery of a service to clients be familiar with the statistical tools that can be used to analyse process output that impacts on product or service quality. In addition such managers should develop quantitative reasoning skills to meaningfully and validly interpret statistical process control findings themselves or question the interpretations given by others.


In particular, this program will help you to learn:


Training Methodology

To make the learning experience more beneficial, delegates will, throughout the program, apply Statistical Process Control tools and other Statistical models to small-scale case study data using laptops with Excel capabilities.

Each session will therefore be interactive, participative, practice-orientated and computer-based. Trainer-led sessions will guide the learning process and workshops with delegates acquiring hands-on exposure by processing both the supplied databases.

It is intended that each delegate will have access to the Excel-based SPC software called SPC IV Excel .



Setting the Statistical Scene for SPC


Review of SPC Tools


Review of SPC Tools (continued……)


Validity Tests and Process Capability


More Advanced Statistical Tools in SPC


Decision Making using Statistical Process Control