EURO WINGS - Creative Strategic Planning and Leadership


This seminar is designed to provide leaders and professionals with a set of transformational tools and techniques to help them maximise their own and their team’s creative potential in a strategic context. Its starting-point is self-discovery: participants will work on the inside first and then focus outwards to impact on the world of business.

The focus of the first week of this 2-week seminar will be on thinking in different ways. Participants should be prepared to move out of their comfort zone and experiment with new ways of creating and communicating an inspiring leadership vision.

The second week helps demystify the frequently-misunderstood concept of ‘strategy’. Whilst focusing on the analytical disciplines on which successful strategy is based, it centres on strategic planning as a value-adding process which harnesses the leader’s and the team’s ability to combine analysis with creative thinking and enables ideas and plans to be nurtured through to reality.

The highlights of the course are as follows.

The seminar is split into two modules:


MODULE I - Leading Creatively

MODULE II - Strategy & Strategic Planning


Each module is structured and can be taken as a stand-alone course; however, delegates will maximise their benefits by taking Module 1 and 2 back-to-back as a two-week seminar.



By the end of this programme you will be able to:


Training Methodology

This seminar uses a range of approaches to learning, including experiential group activities, individual visioning exercises, case studies and syndicate discussions, to allow you to see and feel for yourself the power of the creative mind in a strategic context. Formal inputs are used to introduce a limited amount of underpinning theory. A key part of the learning process is sharing the differing experiences participants bring, as well as experimenting with novel – and sometimes challenging – techniques. In the second module the course leader will use case examples based on organisations with which he has been personally involved. There will be additional presentations on DVD from world-leading authorities in the fields of strategy formulation and strategic management. There will also be group work on a major case study.


Organisational Impact


Personal Impact




Module I

Leading Creatively


Creative Problem-Solving


Overcoming Personal Blockers to Creativity


Developing the Vision Creatively


Communicating the Vision Creatively


From Ideas to Action: Creativity and Change


Module II

Strategy & Strategic Planning


Strategic Thinking and Business Analysis


Internal Analysis and Fusion of Analyses into Strategic Options


Strategic Plans and the Relevance of Alliances and Joint Ventures


Global Strategy, Teambuilding and the Management of Internal Communication


Strategic Implementation and Getting the Value Out of Strategy