EURO WINGS - Cost Accounting Techniques & Skills For Businesses & Industries


This interactive seminar will develop your skills in analyzing business activities. It will guide you through the key steps of analysing financial statements, appraising new investments and measuring performance at all levels of your organization. It will develop your ability to generate growth and improve profitability, as well as pinpointing problem areas for remedial action. Over the five modules delegates will acquire skills and technical knowledge which will enable them to manage more effectively.

This seminar will also focus on the key risks that businesses face in today’s uncertain economic, political, and physical environment. Effective risk management is of vital importance in today’s business environment and the seminar will promote the understanding of risks and how to minimise the business exposure to them. Practical case studies will be used in each session, to ensure that delegates can relate their learning to real-world problems.

The highlights of this course will be:



At the end of this seminar participants will be able to:


Training Methodology

The seminar will be conducted along workshop principles with formal lectures, case studies and interactive worked examples. Relevant case studies will be provided to illustrate the application of each tool in an operations environment. Each learning point will be re-inforced with practical exercises. Discussion in groups will promote exchange of concepts and ideas.


Organisational Impact

What will your organisation gain from sending employees to attend this seminar?


Personal Impact

What will the employee gain from attending this seminar?





Introduction to Advanced Financial Analysis



Financial Statements



Analytical & Performance Tools & Techniques



Capital Project Analysis



Coming to Terms with Risk