EURO WINGS - Contracts: Reading, Writing and Negotiating

The Course

Understanding contract law has become an essential part of conducting our daily business functions. Whether you are in purchasing, contract management, subcontracts, project management, general management or sales, you are constantly involved with legal and contract principles, sometimes without even realizing it.

Too often the wording used in Contracts is not properly understood by those who are making decisions relating to those Contracts, and non-specialists are reluctant to get involved in the process of drafting and amending the documents which are critical to their company’s success. There may also be problems in assessing amendments proposed by the other party, and determining whether these are reasonable, or are eroding your company’s position.

The course will deal with Contracts written in the English language, and follow principles widely used in international contracting. This will have a wide application across different businesses, and in different countries, while recognising that there are special requirements in specific cases.

The Process

Training will involve a high level of interaction and delegate participation. The intention is that the trainer will explain issues, using real examples, either from standard forms, or actual bespoke contracts, but will then involve the delegates in drafting or amending clauses, using the information provided. There will also be sessions on negotiating contract amendments, where delegates will work as teams to seek to agree contract clauses in realistic scenarios.

There will also be opportunities to discuss examples of types of dispute resolution in practice, showing the difference between adversarial and collaborative approaches, and the use of external facilitation in dispute resolution, either through mediation or otherwise.

Delegates are encouraged to bring real problem examples with them, for discussion on a confidential basis, and to share their experience of particular issues in their company or industry. Time will be allowed for general discussions, and for one-to-one discussion with the trainer.

The Benefits

Attending this seminar will help you to learn how to:

The Results

The Core Competencies

The Programme Content


Day One

How and why contracts are drafted?

Day Two

Main Contract Clauses

Day Three

Main Contract Clauses - continued

Day Four

Other Documents

Writing Contracts

Day Five

Negotiation and Resolution of Disputes