EURO WINGS - Confined Space Awareness and Compliance: Safe Work Practices for Confined Space Entry

The Course

The hazards of confined spaces are not new yet every year fatalities and injuries occur among workers who, during the course of their jobs, are required to enter confined spaces. Entry into confined spaces may be for maintenance, repair or statutory inspections. Accidents occur because of the inherent hazards or the induced hazards of wrong decisions. Personnel may have been insufficiently trained or have had their awareness blunted by experience.

The course encompasses the hazards, the stringent precautions, and the safe systems of work necessary as well as their practical application. The final day is devoted in bringing together all this knowledge in a table top exercise.

This would include:

The Goals

This would include:

The Process

The programme is presented with slides and interactive videos that all require active participation. Several case studies, with accompanying videos, are presented. On the last day of the seminar the delegates undertake a desktop exercise in planning an entry into a confined space.

The Benefits

The participants will attain an understanding of:

The Results

The Participants will bring back into their company the capability of:

The Core Competencies

The Programme Content


Day One

Introduction, Definitions & Risk Assessment

Day Two

Occupational Health Hazards in Confined Spaces

Day Three

Atmospheric Testing, Cleaning and Emergency Arrangements

Day Four

PPE, Common Tasks and Maintaining Safety

Day Five

Table Top Exercise

A desktop syndicate exercise to plan an entry into a confined space. The syndicates will be given a PID and written details of the process. They will be required to programme the steps and precautions for entry and cleaning prior to maintenance, and the precautions for the maintenance tasks to be undertaken – de-pressure, initial isolation, gas freeing and precautions, final positive isolation and isolation positioning, cordoning off the area, PPE required etc.