EURO WINGS - Communication skills in crisis


What is the common factor between the oil spill events in the British Petroleum Company in 2010 and the disappearance of the Malaysian flight H370 and the financial crisis of 2008? The common factor is that they are all crises echoed all over the world and dealing with them is a major challenge for their institutions. We offer this course, which focuses on providing participants with cognitive concepts that help them determine the impact of crises on their institutions and the actions that should be taken to mitigate for its effect. The course also focuses on how to develop channels of communication to respond quickly and effectively to crises and best practices in dealing with the media.
Participants in this course will acquire best practices in crisis communication management, situational analysis skills, risk assessment and crisis management team responsibilities, protocols and resources to be used in such cases as communication tools and crisis guides.

Course Objectives
Participants will be able to:

Target groups:

This course is aimed at team leaders, supervisors, PR managers and all professionals involved in crisis management.

Target competencies:

Program content
an introduction:

Principles of Crisis Communication:

Crisis Management Process:

Stage of the crisis:


Media and communication in crisis:

Communication management dimensions of the crisis:

How do you measure your results when crises: