EURO WINGS - Claim & Counter-Claim Management

Program Overview
In this program you will learn about...
Claims are common on Construction, Service and Maintenance Projects. 99.99% of these get sorted out through negotiations. The negotiated settlements depend on the effectiveness of the negotiation preparation process in your organization. Preparation for negotiations must essentially follow the same methodology as for resolving the dispute in a court of law or arbitration.
Simplistic view of claims is dangerous - it often leads to insufficient protection of your organization's interests.
This Program Can Save Your Organization Substantial Sums which would have been paid as Claims, Delays and Consultant Fees. Claims are Changes in Contract Works whose Liability, Cause or Impact have not been agreed between the Owner and the Contractor. The Claimant has the burden of proving the Liability, the Impact of this Liability Action and the Additional Costs suffered as a consequence. Calculating time impact and additional allowable costs is an important area covered in this program. The Claimant and the party analyzing the claim loose large sums due to default caused by not understanding the calculation methods available and their legal acceptability as a reasonable proof. Also covered are the Concurrent events mitigation responsibilities because of their impact on Allowable Additional Costs.
Claims are Changes in Contract Works whose Liability, Cause or Impact have not been agreed between the Owner and the Contractor. The Claimant has the burden of proving the Liability, the Impact of this Liability Action and the Additional Costs suffered as a consequence. Calculating time impact and additional allowable costs is an important area. The Claimant and the party analyzing the claim loose large sums due to default caused by not understanding the calculation methods available and their legal acceptability as a reasonable proof. Also covered are the Concurrent events mitigation responsibilities because of their impact on Allowable Additional Costs.
 Program Content