EURO WINGS - Business writing skills

The Course

All business activities are governed by writing policy and procedures. Much effort is spent on looking at how to draft documents, and, while this is important, it sometimes overshadows the importance of the Policy or Procedure, and related documents such as Specifications and Standards.

The course will look at how these documents are created, and some of the main clauses that appear in them, all using real examples wherever possible.

The course will then consider methods to be used in drafting Policy and Procedures, and, in particular, how to avoid ambiguity and uncertainty. This is an area that generates large numbers of errors, and the aim of the course is to reduce the frequency of such errors and associated disputes.

The course will deal with Policy and Procedure documents written in the English language, but will use techniques which have wide application to many types of documents.

The Goals

The Process

The delegates will be involved in the latest trends in seminar presentations. The classroom presentations are made up of interactive practical exercises, supported by audio visual material and case studies. Delegates will be expected to participate actively in relating the principles of Policy and Procedure writing to the specific needs for their industry.

The Benefits

Other key reasons to attend are:

The Results

Delegates attending this seminar will gain an improved personal knowledge of Policy and Procedure creation in their organisations, they will learn skills to put into place standards, plans and strategies which if successfully implemented will increase their professional reputation and improve their ability to deal with implementation of Policy and Procedures.

The Core Competencies

The Programme Content


Day One

Introduction to Policy & Procedure Writing

Day Two

The Governance and Roles involved in Policy

Day Three

How to Implement Policy & Procedures

Day Four

Drafting Policy & Procedure

Day Five

Case Studies and Workshops