EURO WINGS - AC Electrical Motors & Drives: Troubleshooting, Maintenance & Protection

The Course

AC motors represent industry's workhorse in small, medium and large size applications. It is no exaggeration to suggest that more than 50% of the energy consumed worldwide is converted by AC motors into work and these motors are controlled by drives. These drives are ever increasing more intelligent, electrical and their monitoring and operation can be integrated with the plant's SCADA system. Understanding maintenance and troubleshooting procedures of such vital industrial equipment means that reduced downtime and increased productivity are the immediate benefits for the company and its management. Equally important, the protection requirements along with their function and integration with the overall system ensures that such expensive apparatus, requiring high capital investment, is well guarded against failures further offering safety for operations personnel as well. The seminar addresses the three topics mentioned above for both AC motors and their drives.

The Goals

The objectives of the seminar are:

The Process

The latest educational methods and strategies will be employed. The seminar is designed to maximize delegate benefit from the outset and any specific goals of each participant will be discussed to ensure needs are fulfilled as far as possible. Questions are encouraged throughout the day and at the daily wrap-up sessions. This provides opportunities for participants to discuss with the presenter and other delegates specific problems and appropriate solutions. All delegates take away a detailed and comprehensive copy of the material presented; therefore minimal note taking is encouraged to ensure maximum participation and attention.

The Benefits

At the end of the seminar, each delegate will:

The Results

In many onshore and offshore industrial and commercial plants, automation of any process and associated control relies heavily on motors and their drives. The technical skills of engineers and technical managers as far as the operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of such important industrial equipment are vital for the efficient and cost effective operation of the plant with minimum downturn. These skills, as technology makes ever fast advancements need to be acquired and employees need training on the latest technologies and methods of motor drives and control in order to offer best solutions for the enterprise. Maintenance and operation of the plants on an efficient and reliable manner rely on strong skills of employees. The seminar addresses the fundamental topic of the key technology associated with the factory automation, i.e., motors and variable speed drives.

The Core Competencies

At the end of the seminar, the delegates will have confidence and fully understand how the motors are designed and controlled using the latest technology of electric drives. Exposure to industrial standards and industrial state-of-the-art computer software used for commissioning, testing, and operation of these systems is also provided, giving the delegates the necessary knowledge and experience to make improvements in their own work practice should these are needed.

The Programme Content

AC Motors


Troubleshooting and Maintenance of Motors

Troubleshooting and Maintenance of Drives

Protection of Motors and Drives