Management & Leadership

Training Course: The Complete Course on Management (Certified Manager)

REF: M1047

DATES: 2 - 6 Jun 2025

VENUE: London (UK) -

FEE: 4500 €

The Course

In a fast paced ever-changing world the demands on a manager are steadily increasing. To be effective a manager must possess a wide array of skills which can be used to carry out his responsibilities and successfully accomplish the organisation’s goals.

Successful managers realise that they must constantly sharpen their skills and add to the competencies they already possess. To sit still and be content means running the risk of becoming obsolete.

This programme will provide delegates:

  • Insight into the process of further developing their managerial skills
  • A close examination of the principles of self management, leadership management and team management
  • Understanding on how to develop a strategic corporate response for effective business initiatives
  • Identify management best practices and principles that lead to productivity
  • Understand the process of performance improvement

The Goals

This program aims to enable participants to achieve the following objectives:

  • Develop new managerial skills and techniques by recognise key factors in self management
  • Consider how to manage the implementation of change
  • Learn how to deal with workplace conflict while understanding the influence of style diversity
  • Determine the basis of effective team performance
  • Examine creative techniques for effective problem solving

The Complete Course on Management is best suited for:

  • Business leaders expected to develop and supervise employees and others through implementing managerial criteria
  • Make decisive decisions within the organization that effect productivity and the bottom line
  • Employees needing to accelerate growth and achieve critical business success.

The Process

This programme will utilise a combination of presentations, group exercises, videos and class discussions in order to examine in an in depth fashion all the elements of the programme content. The emphasis will be on creating an in depth appreciation and understanding of the art of management. Activities, hands-on interactions, group participation, videos, role-playing, and case studies are used to highlight concepts taught and allow participants to practice the material.

The Benefits

In this program delegates will learn how to:

  • Increase the level of motivation
  • Sharpen your present management skills
  • Add new competencies to your personal inventor
  • Develop new techniques for solving problems
  • Enhance your team management abilities

The Results

How will my organization benefit when sending their employees to attend this seminar?

  • Enhance the level of management skills in the organisation
  • Accomplish improvement in process performance
  • Prepare staff for increased managerial responsibilities
  • Enable managers to better accomplish organisational goals
  • Deal constructively as a manager in with workplace conflict

The Core Competencies

  • Self-Management and Overcoming limitations
  • Conflict resolution and Change Management
  • Influencing and Performance assessment
  • Teambuilding and Motivation
  • Creative problem solving

The Programme Content


Day One

The Foundation of Management

  • Understanding what courage really is
  • Having the courage to know yourself
  • Choosing the right management style
  • Putting yourself on the line-taking responsibility
  • Overcoming limiting thoughts and behaviors
  • Having the courage to turn your ideas into action

Day Two

Dealing with Workplace Conflict

  • Defining organisational conflict
  • Understanding the causes of conflict
  • The Thomas-Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument
  • Dealing with different learning styles
  • Managing conflict effectively
  • Obtaining the benefits of productive disagreement

Day Three

Managing Organisational Improvement

  • Focusing on continuous improvement
  • Malcolm Baldrige assessment criteria
  • The role of organisational culture
  • Overcoming resistance to change
  • Coping with risk and risk avoidance
  • Measuring the success of improvement efforts

Day Four

Leading Motivated Teams

  • Characteristics of effective teams
  • Characteristics of ineffective teams
  • Managing the factors affecting team performance
  • Supporting team development
  • Understanding team member styles
  • Enhancing team member competencies

Day Five

Effective Problem Solving

  • Balancing analytical and creative thinking
  • Effective use of mind mapping
  • Capturing the power of brainstorming
  • Breaking the ten mental locks
  • The four roles of the problem solving process
  • Treating problems as challenges

Assessment leading to ILM Endorsed Certification:

The assessment process requires each delegate to generate a personalised learning dialogue based on the programme activities. This will be translated into an action plan, to be presented to the group for peer and tutor validation on the last day.

Finalised plan will be implemented upon return to the workplace. Delegate has to consult their corporate/line management for further validation.