Management & Leadership

Training Course: Service Management Skills Analysis, Operational Audit, Improvement Planning & Management

REF: M9362

DATES: 29 Jul - 9 Aug 2024

VENUE: Tbilisi (Georgia) -

FEE: 4500 €

Program Overview

In this program you will learn about...

This program recognizes that service is becoming a more important aspect of satisfying customers (internal and external), managers should be looking at ways of maximizing the effectiveness of service management.

This Program provides the required skills and tools for

  • Recognizing importance of satisfying internal and external customers
  • Improving effectiveness of service departments
  • Effective use of service resources
  • Measuring quality of service
  • Risk assessment of service functions.
  • Implementing Customer Satisfaction Processes in your Organization or Department

Program Content

In this program you will learn about the Service Management…

Day 1

  • Practical Issues & Overview
  • Industry Standard Definitions & Terminology

Day 2

  • Service Industry Standard Good Practices & Methodologies

Day 3

  • Some Best Practices for Service Organizations & Departments

Day 4 & 5

  • Some Quality Analysis & Management Tools
  • Business Mapping of Operations
  • Flow Charting & 4M+C Analysis

Day 6

  • Setting Service Quality Targets

This Program will also help you Answer the following questions and implement the required Management Systems to Implement them...

  • Do you get the best from your service units?
  • How to meet cost targets and give consistently good service?
  • How to develop a "service task"  - a service vision and a structure to deliver it?
  • How to check how you match up to World Class and competitor service standards?
  • How to spot ways to differentiate your service delivery?
  • How to create a framework for plotting customer demand dimensions?
  • How to measure the cost and effectiveness of service delivery?
  • How to see if systems and business processes match your service task?
  • How to map the resources used at each stage of service delivery?
  • How to check how well you manage resources, service quality and service recovery?
  • How to reduce waste and increase productivity?
  • Planning Issues for Service Quality Management?
  • Technology Tools for Service Quality Management?
  • What are the Issues of Management concern?
  • How are Improvements Implemented?