Health, Safety & Security

Training Course: Safety Management Best Practices

REF: S7001

DATES: 5 - 9 May 2025

VENUE: Trabzon (Turkey) -

FEE: 4500 €

The Course

The global trend in integrating Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems within all other business management has changed the way safety is managed by all industries. Instead of prescriptive legislation and standards, a pro-active approach to risk management based on structured and systematic risk assessment is now a common place.

This programme is aimed at providing hands-on experience on the application of advanced safety management principles and techniques relevant to a wide variety of industries. This will include reactive, active and pro-active measurement of performance against set targets based on best practices.

The Goals

Participants attending the programme will:

  • Be familiar with key safety Codes of Practice introduced by major organizations, with particular reference to the Control of Major Accidents Hazards 'COMAH' for onshore installations.
  • Develop an awareness of the key elements for implanting the Safety Case concept for fixed and mobile offshore installations.
  • Appreciate the role of Incident Root-cause Analysis and best practice used for promoting positive safety culture based on methodologies implemented by major organizations.
  • Be able to carry out Task-based risk assessments that focus on human error and management systems failure.
  • Develop skill in the application of Projects Health; Safety & Environmental Reviews 'PHSER' best practice, by linking this review with the Capital Value Process 'CVP' and the Company HSE Management System.
  • Develop skills in target setting, planning, implementing and measuring performance.

The Process

Participants will learn by active participation during the programme through the use of exercises, syndicate and group discussion, training videos and discussions on relevant types of accidents and "real life" issues in their organisations.

The Benefits

Attendees will be able to develop practical skills learnt from this training to achieve excellence in solving HSE problems.

The Results

In addition to the professional development of staff, the organization should be able to priorities resources to demonstrate that process risks are adequately identified, analyzed and controlled, based on best practice.

The Core Competencies

Attendees who successfully complete this programme should be able to demonstrate familiarity with state of the art concepts and methodologies in solving HSE problems at work.

The Programme Content


Day One

Major Hazards Control Best Practice

  • COMAH Code of Practice
  • Elements of COMAH
  • The Safety Case concept
  • Elements of the Safety Case
  • The role of Quantified Risk Assessment QRA in COMAH and Safety Cases
  • HSE Management Systems and major hazards
  • Emergency planning and major hazards

Day Two

Root Cause Analysis Best Practice

  • The role of human contribution to incidents
  • Active errors, preconditions and latent failures
  • Incident analysis techniques- best practice
  • Cause Tree and Events & Causal Factors analysis
  • Linking between root causes, conclusions and recommendations
  • Practical application and group work

Day Three

Risk Assessment Best Practice

  • Risk assessment- the pitfalls
  • How to make risk assessment effective
  • Evaluation of risks- best practice
  • The task-based approach to risk assessment
  • Applying task-based risk assessment to Work Permits
  • Planning, implementing and techniques for measuring performance

Day Four

Human Reliability Assessment Best Practice

  • Human error and accident causation
  • Human error classification
  • The role of task analysis and job-safety analysis
  • Best practice techniques for promoting safety culture
  • Assessing improvement and linking safety culture with the HSE Management System

Day Five

Project HSE Reviews Best Practice

  • Stages of a project
  • Project's HSE Plan
  • Latest PHSER Procedures for linking the review with the Capital Value Process
  • Incorporating PHSER within the Organization's HSE-MS
  • PHSER TOR, protocol and conduct
  • PHSER Documentation requirements and Guide-words
  • PHSER Reporting procedures