Information Technology

Training Course: Risk Management on IT Projects Including Contingency Planning For Managers & Supervisors

REF: B9218

DATES: 14 Oct - 1 Nov 2024

VENUE: Tbilisi (Georgia) -

FEE: 6750 €

Program Overview

In this program you will learn about...
This program provides you the Understanding, Analysis and Skills to recognize the Risks you face on IT Projects. The program applies to your Inhouse Projects and Outsourced Projects. The program shows you the Contingency planning you can do to Mitigate the Impact when these Risks actually occur.

Program Content

  • Understanding the IT Project Business Environment
    • Organizational Objectives
    • Customers
    • Business Compulsions
    • Laws & Regulations
    • Outsourcing
  • Usual IT Project Risks
    • Internal to Organization
    • External Risks
    • Specific Stages of IT Project
  • Identifying, Analyzing, Tracking and Preventing Recurrence
  • Setting up Early warning systems for Identified Risk.