Industrial Marketing

Training Course: Retailing Strategy and Management Skills for Successful Building Chain of Retail Outlets

REF: U9382

DATES: 13 - 17 Jan 2025

VENUE: Singapore -

FEE: 5500 €

Program Overview

In this program you will learn about...
Globalization is rapidly Expanding the Large Store Retailing Business.  Innovating techniques and strategies are required to succeed in the changing market. Traditional retailers also need to adopt these strategies in order to survive and succeed. Too many long established retailers are losing out to new innovative marketing chains.
This program will provide you the understanding and the skills required to not only survive but develop thriving business chains. It will also help you develop and implement strategies for Lon Term Success of your Organization.
The program also covers the relevant Good and Best Industry Practices.

Program Content

(Subject to Customization by the Program Director based on Each Program Participant Group)

  1. Key Issues in Managing Large Chains
  2. Customer Needs, Real Needs & Expectations
  3. Customer's Processes
    1. Prequalification Process
    2. Evaluation Process
    3. Buying Process
    4. Post-Buying Process
    5. Electronic Buying
  4. Understanding Strategic Aspects
    1. Market Strategy
    2. Locating Strategy
    3. Competitive Advantage Strategy
    4. Human Resource Development Strategy
    5. Logistics Strategy
    6. Building Loyal Customer Base
    7. Publicity Strategy
    8. Internet & Electronic Strategies
    9. Information Strategy
    10. Service Retailing Strategy
  5. Managing Retail Chains
    1. Planning
    2. Monitoring
    3. Reporting
    4. Human Resource Development
    5. Solving Day to Day Problems
    6. Coordinating
    7. Selecting & Motivating Staff
    8. Customer Experience
    9. Service Delivery Management
    10. Logistics
    11. Vendor Management & Development
    12. Promotions
  6. Program Recommendations & Action Plan