Management Analysis

Training Course: Operational Audit and Performance Evaluation of Process Production Facilities

REF: A9005

DATES: 20 - 31 Jan 2025

VENUE: Baku (Azerbaijan) -

FEE: 6750 €

Program Overview

In this program you will learn about...
This Program builds strong Performance Analysis, Auditing and Management Skills in the participants.
It will build capabilities for verifying that the organization’s policies, objectives, plans, processes, written procedures and all other elements of organization activities are being implemented, and are operating, effectively – achieving your organization’s strategic goals.
You will Understand the Behaviour & Performance Required for Recognition in Your Department and Organization .
This program will also help you Identify Continuous Improvement Opportunities by…

  • Building a high level of understanding of all organization processes including for each process: What? How? Why? When? Risks? Impact on Strategic Goals
  • Following a Very Practical Checklist approach to make learning relevant and applicable to On-the-Job Performance Needs.
  • Showing what is involved to bring organization's operations in Compliance with Good Management Practices and ISO-9001 requirements.

Program Content

  • Understanding Process Plant Performance
  • Identifying the Process Plant Processes
  • Understanding Internal & External Customer Expectations from Each process
  • Understanding Strategic Performance
  • Understanding the Key Performance Indicators
  • Identifying Leadership Performance
  • Identifying the Process Plant Leadership Processes
  • Step by Step Auditing the Process Plant
  • Analyzing the Audit Findings
  • Supporting the Operational Audit Findings
  • Selling the Audit Findings to its Customers
  • Supporting Implementation of Operational Audit Findings
  • Evaluating Follow-up Success
  • Reporting Follow-up Success
  • Documenting the Process Plant Operational Audit & Analysis Process. 
  • Program Recommendations
  • Your Action Plan