
Training Course: Managing Employee Performance, Behaviour & Attitudes

REF: C8170

DATES: 9 - 13 Dec 2024

VENUE: Boston (USA) -

FEE: 5500 €

The Conference

The key to understanding and managing people effectively is to know something about what makes people tick. What re the things that determine individual behaviour and motivation. This programme looks at the underlying assumptions we make about human behaviour and explains them. In particular the workshop will apply this knowledge to understanding how to make Performance management more effective and efficient.

The Goals

As a result of attending this workshop, delegates will have developed:

  • A clearer understanding of human behaviour
  • A clear appreciation of how attitude affects behaviour and motivation
  • Be clearer on how to manage employee performance by:
    • Having practiced performance appraisal interviewing
    • Having worked though discipline and grievance case studies and examples
  • A clearer understanding of their behaviour and attitudes

The Process

The workshop uses a variety of learning methods, including mini-lectures, extended case studies and self questionnaires. There will also be small group work, class discussion and multimedia training aids.

The Benefits

  • Be more effective as a manager or supervisor
  • Get the best out of your people
  • Have developed a clearer picture of their own attitudes and behaviour, and therefore also, of the motivation, attitudes and behaviour of other people.
  • Improve your skills in practical performance management – such as appraisal, discipline and grievance

The Results

  • Delegates will be better able to achieve results that rely on interaction with other people
  • Delegates will be able to get the maximum out of the performance management system
  • Delegates will be able to develop their confidence and interpersonal skills

The Core Competencies

  • Communication skills – oral and body language
  • Interpersonal relationship skills
  • Performance management
  • Self - development

The conference Content

Performance and the Individual

  • Psychological profiles - Jungian typology and understanding human behaviour
  • How competency frameworks support performance management
  • Human behaviour questionnaire
  • The Iceberg model to understand behaviour
  • Models of Performance Management
  • The Johari window

Managing Employee Performance

  • Discipline, capability and grievance
  • Recognising the difference between Capability and conduct issues
  • The “rules of Natural Justice”
  • The purposes of discipline
  • Inefficiency and box markings
  • Models of motivation and behaviour

The Assertiveness Model of Behaviour and Attitudes

  • Identifying and recognising the types of behaviour:
    • Aggressive
    • Indirectly aggressive
    • Passive (aggressive)
    • Assertive
  • Communication skills
  • Being proactive with people

Exercises with Behaviour and Attitudes

  • Managing performance -The Performance Appraisal Interview
  • Role plays – dealing with discipline and Grievance cases
  • Case studies –real stories explored and developed

Attitudes and Attitudes to Self

  • The Behaviour mirror diagnostic tool
  • Social styles –a behaviour model
  • Programme review